What does success look like to you?

From mental to medals, success is designed.


Designing your own dream reality!

These last few years have been challenging to say the least, but in many ways I am thankful for the challenges. Many of us (me!) were forced to slow down and see what is truly important in our lives. It gave us the possibility to have more work-life balance, to have the freedom to live where we want to, and for us working parents, to spend more quality time with our children.

Even with all of the above, somehow, as a society we seem more lost, stagnant, in a rut and worn out by our daily grind than ever. So, how can we live a happier and more productive life?

By defining OUR own success! Try this exercise to see what I mean.

Step 1


  • Trying to live someone else’s dream.

  • Trying to live up to expectations and standards that are not your own.

  • Comparing yourself to others.

  • Waiting for 5pm, the weekend, that next bonus, that next promotion, that next big sale, that next WHATEVER to be happy and feel successful.

  • Feeling like a failure!

Step 2

Design your Success Story. Grab a pen and paper and try it:

  • Write down what your success looks like 5 years from now. Make sure that this includes your life - both personally and professionally.

  • Keep writing. Go into as much detail as possible. What do you see, smell, taste, hear, and feel? What feelings and emotions are you experiencing?

  • Who is with you? Where are you? What are you doing? Make this so clear that you can easily live it in your mind.

Step 3

Be true to you!

Keep this paper. Use it as your North Star when making important decisions. This will give you the permission to say no if opportunities arise that do not align with your version of success. This will also give you the ability to re-frame different situations and see them for what they mean to you, not someone else. Remember, hold true to what is most important to you and give yourself the power to create your successful future - the way YOU want to.

Now, let’s make your success story a reality.

What you tell yourself matters - including when and where!

  1. Before you get out of bed every morning, quickly re-read what you wrote down for your success.

  2. Now, close your eyes and visualize that success happening. Do this for a few minutes or more.

  3. When you go to brush your teeth, look yourself in the eyes in the mirror, smile, and repeat the most important part of your success story.

  4. Repeat, repeat, repeat and watch your life become aligned with your dream reality!

I know you’ve heard the quote that comparison is the thief of joy and I truly believe that.  When we can all reach for the goals that we WANT to accomplish and that are important to us, we give ourselves permission to take control of our happiness, both personally and professionally.

This is pretty close to my dream reality.

Life update: I’ve caught the pickleball bug

I’ve caught the pickle ball bug! Thanks to my brother, Scotty, I’ve been trying to play once or twice a week. I’m horrible! My opponents run me around the court like a tornado while they hardly move a step. I constantly try to smash it while I’m in the kitchen and always forget to let it bounce if it is our serve. IYKYK But, I’m telling you, slowly but surely I’m getting better. I’m having so much fun learning something new, embracing all of my mistakes and of course just running around the court like a mad woman. If you haven’t gotten in on the “dink” sensation, now is the time to pick up a paddle and go for it!

And leaned into my newfound passion

I used to believe that keynote speaking was just something I wanted to do on a part time basis and more as a “side hustle.” COVID really opened my eyes to how much I absolutely love it. The butterflies I get before I give a speech, the flawless performance the audience deserves, the energy I share with those in the room, and the feeling of satisfaction I have is something that REALLY makes me happy and feel successful.

If you want to work with me to deliver the perfect message for your audience please click below and mention HAPPINESS and you’ll receive 10% of my speaking price.

Shannon Happe