What do you believe to be true about yourself?

Celebrating at the Vancouver Olympics, 2010.

What do you believe to be true about yourself?

Shannon’s December update

A lot has been going on in the Happe Household this month besides the usual frenzy of holiday prep. I’ve been making my way through a 9-month mindset certification course. I absolutely love learning, and there have been so many AHA moments for me. I believe 100% that I won my 2 Olympic medals based mostly on my mental and emotional skills to be able to execute beyond my potential in the Olympic Moment. I’ve said it time and time again: I was certainly not the technically great mogul skier, and because I knew my physical limitations, I knew I had to be able to seize those magical moments that don’t come around very often.

One very important technique that I relentlessly worked on when training for the Olympics was bringing my goals to life and using my 5 senses to do so, not just writing them down on a piece of paper. I’ve shared this with thousands of executives, leaders, and aspiring high-performers, and it’s a complete game-changer when you can do it. One of the biggest AHA moments during my mindset course recently was the realization that maybe I wasn’t necessarily bringing my goals to life but rather bringing my “future identity” to life. Now I know that may sound a bit strange, but maybe I wasn’t just visualizing what it would be like to win an Olympic Gold Medal but rather what it would be like to BE an Olympic Champion. What I believed to be true about me. How I saw myself in the future.

Do we actually believe we can be a Fortune 500 CEO or an Olympian or a business owner or the top salesperson at our company? Because if we do not BELIEVE that we can actually be those people, then it’s very likely we won’t accomplish our goals linked to that vision of ourselves because we won’t be bought into the steps and daily work it takes to get there. But when we really do believe that we can become that person, not just accomplish a goal, we make the effort and go the extra mile!

So the next time you think about a goal you want to accomplish, see if it aligns with the person you believe you are or the person you want to be. Here are a few questions you can answer to get the process going:

  1. What is a goal that you want to accomplish?

  2. What do you believe to be true about yourself in relation to this goal?

  3. What is really stopping you from accomplishing your goal?

  4. What are you gaining by NOT accomplishing your goal?

  5. What is one thing you can shift in your belief about yourself?

Some of your answers may surprise you as much as they surprised me. I have been sitting with my answers for a while now, and I have realized some really profound things about myself that I’ve never even thought about. This is the perfect time to start thinking about this as we are about to embark on a whole new year with fresh goals, new perspectives, and hey if we keep doing the same thing and expecting different results, then we haven’t learned anything, right?

I wish you all the very happiest of holidays, and I hope you are surrounded by people that love you, cherish you, and would sing at the top of their lungs in karaoke with you!

-Shannon :)

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